Problems Involving Moving Train And Moving Person

Concept Explanation

Problems Involving Moving Train And Moving Person

In problem based on trains, the concept used is same as that of speed and time except the length of train is taken into account.

Problems Involving Moving Train And Moving Person

Let us consider the case of train crossing a person who is also moving. In this case time taken by a train of length l m to pass a man  moving is equal to the time taken by the train to cover l m.

As the person is moving so we have to calculate the relative speed. So two cases arise:

Case I: Both train and man are moving in same direction:

 When the train and a man move in the same direction with speeds x m/s and y m/s, respectively. Then the relative speed is the difference of the two speeds that is (x-y).

        (x-y)=frac{ Length of the train}{Time  teken to cross each other}

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